Comprehensive Guide: Crafting Compelling Explainer Videos for Effective CRM Training

Explore a comprehensive guide to using explainer videos for CRM training. Discover how to create engaging content that balances complexity and diversity. From scripting to distribution, unlock the potential of explainer videos to enhance your team's CRM proficiency, foster customer relations, and drive growth.

8/17/20233 min read


In the dynamic landscape of modern business, mastery of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is imperative to optimize customer interactions and foster sustainable growth. Explainer videos have emerged as a potent instrument to demystify intricate concepts and facilitate streamlined learning. Within this extensive guide, we will lead you through the intricate process of devising captivating explainer videos customized to educate your team on CRM utilization. By adopting this approach, you will empower your enterprise to fully harness the potential embedded within your CRM system.

Step 1: Clarify Your Training Objectives

Before embarking on the video creation journey, it is paramount to elucidate your training objectives. Pinpoint the precise facets of CRM usage necessitating comprehension by your team—be it data input, lead administration, or client correspondence. Formulating unambiguous goals will serve as the framework upon which your explainer video content will be meticulously crafted.

Step 2: Development of Script and Storyboard

The genesis of any successful explainer video resides within the intricate tapestry woven by a compelling script and meticulously designed storyboard. Deliberate on the salient themes you aspire to encapsulate within your instructional video and methodically arrange them. Deconstruct complex tasks into manageable, bite-sized components. Forge a seamless narrative progression, and contemplate integrating real-world scenarios to forge relatability within the content.

Step 3: Selection of Video Authoring Tools

Opting for the apt video authoring tool stands as a pivotal determinant in culminating with a refined and polished end product. A plethora of tools are at your disposal, ranging from user-friendly contenders like Powtoon and Animaker to more sophisticated platforms such as Adobe After Effects. Align your choice with your proficiency level and desired visual aesthetic.

Step 4: Designing Visual Elements

Visual components play an instrumental role in ensnaring and sustaining audience engagement. Conceive visually arresting graphics, icons, and animations that synergize with your script's essence. Uphold a consistent palette of hues and typographical conventions to reinforce your brand identity. It is imperative to bear in mind that these visuals should illuminate comprehension rather than inundate it.

Step 5: Recording Narration and Voiceover

Infusing your explainer video with a succinct, coherent narration or voiceover is of paramount significance. Employ the services of a seasoned professional or lend your own vocal prowess, armed with the requisite recording apparatus. Ensure a harmonious alignment between the narration and script, allowing for a seamless cadence.

Step 6: Animation and Dynamic Flourish

Confer vitality upon your storyboard through the strategic infusion of animation and dynamic visual elements. Transition effects, motion graphics, and animations function as the rudder guiding the viewer's gaze, accentuating pivotal junctures. Aspire for fluid animations while abstaining from gratuitous embellishments that could detract from the core message.

Step 7: Precise Editing and Finesse

Following the assemblage of visual assets, narration, and animations, the subsequent phase entails meticulous editing and refinement. Trim any superfluous segments, calibrate timings, and forge seamless continuity between successive scenes. The pacing should be orchestrated to maintain viewer immersion without inducing haste.

Step 8: Inclusion of Captions and Subtitles

Elevate inclusivity and bolster engagement by incorporating captions and subtitles. This practice proves particularly salient in catering to varied learning modalities and diverse audiences. Execute text that is not only succinct but impeccably synchronized with the accompanying narration.

Step 9: Testing and Soliciting Feedback

Before the definitive rendition of your explainer video, a comprehensive testing regimen is obligatory. Present the video to a select cohort of team members, soliciting their input on lucidity, content efficacy, and overarching impact. Subsequent revisions should mirror the constructive insights gathered.

Step 10: Dissemination and Monitoring Engagement

With the polished explainer video now at your disposal, disseminate it through preferred conduits to your team. Keep a vigilant watch on engagement metrics—ranging from viewership statistics to completion rates and the feedback garnered. This data forms the crucible within which ongoing refinements are forged, yielding optimal training materials and responsive adaptations.


The art of fashioning immersive explainer videos to train your team in CRM usage stands as an instrumental facet in augmenting their command over the system. By charting the course delineated within this step-by-step compendium, you shall emerge equipped to generate training resources of exceptional efficacy—resources that propel the CRM system towards its zenith. The ultimate ramifications manifest as heightened customer relationships and an organic springboard for sustainable business expansion.

man in white and black checked dress shirt holding white printer paper
man in white and black checked dress shirt holding white printer paper